Postal Address Verification and Address Data Validation

Postal address verification is a powerful feature of the new secure internet e-commerce websites. It offers accurate and detailed information of any postal address that is provided online. The process of verifying and validation takes place when users submit information about a street address, a post office box, or an apartment number. Once this information has been entered into the website, the system matches it against databases that have information about the address.

Postal address verification not only benefits businesses that provide real estate listings or online brokerage services but also other companies in the financial, software, telecommunication, publishing, and insurance industries. Many large and small companies rely on third-party verification systems. Verifying addresses used by government agencies, the IRS, financial institutions such as banks and credit unions, and even social security data are handled by accurate address validation systems. There are many companies that offer this service and they can provide complete data about any type of address that is entered. They use primarily public sources such as courthouses, insurance companies, and federal agencies, commercial sources such as post offices and utility companies, and even electronic data sources such as cellular phone numbers. To know more about Address Verification, read this article.

Address verification is very useful for people who move frequently and have their mail delivered to a variety of locations. It saves a lot of time by allowing customers to request their mailing addresses to be verified. Most of the reliable address verification companies also offer other services such as providing customer support for your mailing list, data cleanup, and address validation, and posting address alerts on your web page.


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